I may have overlooked something obvious since I have little experience with Siemens. I took an existing S7 (CPU 314) program that I first checked to see if the offline copy the OEM left me was up to date by doing "compare blocks." It seemed to be, so I went to the offline editor and edited an existing function FC6 to add on one more network at the end of the folder. This was after I added a few new symbols of my own and saved them. I saved and compiled FC6 then pulled down Download from the PLC menu with just that block highlighted. It asked me if I wanted to replace FC6 and said yes. The addition I made is showing up in the online file. When I do a compare block for offline/online it is equal. When I click on monitor then highlight my new network I added, the RUN bar at the bottom stops scrolling, usually nothing is shown to the right in the RLO,STA,STANDARD monitor columns (this is a STL program), and the message at the bottom of the screen says "the statements are not being processed." I tried once more this morning to make sure the offline was saved, compiled, error free, etc. and downloaded it once again. This time every once in awhile I get some numbers in the monitor chart to the right (RLO,STA,STANDARD) but 99% of the time the run bar is frozen and the "statements are not being processed" message is there. When I click on Network 15 the run bar scrolls fast and the monitor chart shows up within seconds. When I go back to 16 the run bar freezes and after 10-30 seconds the monitor chart will fill in. It's almost as if the network 16 is trying to work but the update rate is unbelievably slow. I don't know what to make of it. I've searched the internet and my programming manual for a couple of hours for this "statements are not being processed" message and have found nothing to help at all so I don't know what it is trying to warn me that I've done wrong. I'm a little confused since I simply added in a network to an exisiting block with a few new symbols. What did I miss? Did I violate some rules about STL networks? I couldn't find any training material like I wanted about how much you can put in one network but the OEM has many much bigger networks in this program. I had considered making this several different networks but it's all one item. I should have put a title on the network that says "trigger to OPC server and reset." I supplied a screen shot of my network and captured it after the monitor items showed up to the right. Thanks!