I´m having problems to receive data from a Datalogic DS2100 barcode scanner onto a Siemens ET200S (IM151-1 Standard) CPU using a serial interface card (6ES7 138-4DF01-0AB0) with the ASCII Protocol.
The software that I'm using to program the PLC is TIA Portal V15.1, my PLC is 414-3 PN/DP. I made use of the built-in function block S_RCV to try and receive the data into a data block that I have created. I connected the Datalogic's directly into the PLC's SI module. Pin 1 of the SI module is connected to the White wire of the scanner, Pin 2 of the SI module is connected to the Brown wire of the scanner and pin 8 is connected with the ground (Green).
Upon scanning a barcode, the Rx LED on the SI card flashes, indicating that something was received, but i´m not able to read nothing. I get no error, no message... nothing.
I paramatized the S_RCV block as follows:
1.) EN_R is always ON.
2.) R is defaulted to the instance DB that was created with the function block's tag.
3.) LADDR is set to "676" as that is the start address of my SI Module as defined in the device configuration -> I/O addresses -> Input adresses..
4.) DB_NO is set to "3" as it is the number of the data block I created for storing the received data.
5.) DBB_NO is set to "0".
The rest of the NDR, ERROR, LEN, and STATUS outputs of the function block are also defaulted to the instance DB tags. I only want to see if I'm receiving the data from the barcode scanner into the datablock.
I will be very grateful if anyone can help me